meta content='How to write your own e-books' name='description'/> E-Books: 2017

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

100+ Sugar-free recipes

Never try to go without sugar all at once if you are used to use sugar. Remember sugar is an addiction. You cannot change it all at once. It is a gradual process.
Start to incorporate some of this sugar-free recipes into your eating plan and gradually increase it until you are completely sugar-free.
Only then will you enjoy the benefits
like losing weight, have more energy, you will sleep better and, feel better.
Sugar-free doesn’t mean that you cannot use natural sweeteners like honey and coconut sugar.
With over 100 recipes for you to choose from I am sure that you will find something that you will love.
You can
adapt the recipes to your individual needs as you and your family like it.
Lukas Engelbrecht

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Hamburgers are probably the food that we consume the most off and everyone has got their own secret recipe.
Here are 34 of the best Hamburger Recipes that I could find.
But making it you will have a new culinary experience every time. You could even change it to your own taste if you use this recipes as a basis.
.Make a great Hamburger!

Get it now here

Lukas Engelbrecht

Sunday, 18 June 2017

The best Bread recipes of all times

Bread is said to be the food of life and that is why I compiled the best Bread recipes of all times into one eBook just for you.

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Gluten Free Cooking

43 Gluten free diet recipes. A gluten-free diet should be mainly based on naturally gluten-free foods with a good balance of micro and macro nutrients: meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, rice, and maize are all appropriate components of such a diet. If commercially prepared, gluten-free replacement products are used, choosing those that are enriched or fortified with vitamins and minerals is preferable.

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My 30 Best Tart Recipes

Get 30 of my most favourite tart recipes

50 Quick Summer Drinks

Get 50 Super Quick Summer Drink recipes to enjoy. You can also put your own spin on it, just to be different.

Cool Drinks

Get nearly 50 different drinks recipes for you to prepare for your love ones.

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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Vegan Recipes

If you are into Vegan, then this is the collection of 50 of the most delicious Vegan Recipes for you

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eBook - It Works Revised

The famous little red book that makes your dreams come true. A clear, definite, common-sense plan of accomplishment. If you know what you want, you can have it!
I added my own experiences for you to better explain some of the points to you. I also added some of my own ideas


eBook - Best Diet Recipes Ever

35 Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes35 Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes.

Get it here

eBook - 50 Quick Smoothies

50 Quick Smoothies are easy to make Smoothies for every occasion.

Get my eBook here

eBook - Cool Smoothies

Smoothies is a great alternative to a meal, its vegan, it’s cool when it’s hot outside and you can choose what to have in your smoothie.

Get my eBook here

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Crack a Snack

Snacks, to me, is a ‘meal on the go’. Something to fill that ‘empty stomach’ feeling, a meal between meals. Enjoy these 38 recipes.

Get my eBook here

Lunch on me

I’m not great at lunch except on Sundays and that is usually the time that my wife doesn’t want to cook. Its weekend and she want to relax. So here are a couple of easy lunch recipes (not for Sundays)

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Dinner for us

Dinner is probably the most important meal for me because it is the only meal that I eat. When I get home from work I need a great meal to last me the next 24 hours. And this is it! I need everything in one meal.

Get my eBook here

At my Breakfast Table

A good Breakfast means a great start to your day. Kick-start your day with one of these recipes and some new ideas for the old traditional beacon and eggs. Choose from more than 50 recipes

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Cooking Herbs

Herbs is the medicine that God gave to man for each and every illness. By including it into your diet you will prevent a lot of those nuisance illnesses. And it tastes great!

Get my book here

Thursday, 8 June 2017

eBook - Cooking on Fire

Cooking on Fire

In this cookbook I don’t do the appetizers and small stuff because when you are on a survival trip you won’t want to bother with it. You will need breakfast, lunch and dinner if not only one meal a day. You will see that I concentrate mainly on soups and casseroles because it is the easiest to put together and it is also very nutritious. This is what I want to bring to you.
Get it now

eBook - 50+ Recipes from Grandma

50+ Recipes from Grandma

50+ Recipes from Grandma’s kitchen as we remembered it. Bring the comfort of Grandma's to your own home with old fashioned recipes. Warm up the hearts of your family with a loving meal.

Get it now here

eBook - 50+ Vegetarian Recipes on a Budget

50+ Vegetarian Recipes on a Budget

You don’t have to be a vegetarian to enjoy some fruit and veggies.
For the days that you feel that you had enough meat for a while, enjoy a few of my favourite vegetarian recipes.

Get it now here

eBook - Silkworm food

After looking on the Internet for silk worms, I saw that you can buy silkworm food. I tried to find out how I could make my own, but to no avail. Everyone is hiding their method and want to sell the food themselves. I can understand it because they would make much more money by keeping their secret. As you know, every secret will be unveil.
I then did some experiments to see if I could make my own silkworm food. I am going to show you the experiments in pictures so that you can see for yourself that I actually did do it. So, here is what I did:

Picking the leaves
When do you pick the leaves? I waited until autumn when the leaves begins to turn brown. You will notice that on a particular branch that the bottom leaves will turn brown first. That is when I picked it.

You can probably pick it anytime but leave the top two or three leaves intact.
 This will prevent the branch to die as you wouldn’t want the tree to die. You would want to use it next year again. In this way you can collect your silkworm’s food long in advance

Get it now here

eBook - The economy of life

Unto Thee I Grant the Economy of Life

 Bow down your heads into the dust, O ye inhabitants of earth! Be silent and receive with reverence these instructions from on high.

Whersoever the sun doth shine, wheresoever the wind doth blow, wheresoever there is an ear to hear, and a mind to conceive; there let the precepts of life be made known, let the maxims of truth be honored and obeyed.

All things proceed from God. His power is unbounded. His wisdom is for eternity, and His goodness endureth for ever.

He sitteth on His throne in the centre of the universe and the breath of His mouth giveth life to the world.

He toucheth the stars with His finger, and they run their course rejoicing.

On the wings of the wind He walketh abroad, and performeth His will through all the regions of unlimited space.

Order and grace, and beauty spring from His hand.

The voice of wisdom speaketh in all His works; but the mortal understanding comprehendeth it not.

The shadow of mortal knowledge passeth over the brain of man as a dream; he seeth as in the dark; he reasoneth, and is deceived.

But the wisdom of God is as the Light of Heaven; it requireth not reason; His mind is the fountain of truth.

Justice and mercy wait before His throne; benevolence and love enlighten His countenance for ever.

Who is like unto God in glory? Who in power shall content with the Almighty? Hath He any equal in wisdom? Can any in goodness be compared unto Him? There is none other before Him.

Get it now here

Monday, 5 June 2017

IAWIAB Thank You Page

Thank You for purchasing my eBook: I am White, I am Black.

The purpose of this eBook is to make you re-think how you see the world that we are living in.

I hope that you will enjoy the journey

Lukas Engelbrecht

Monday, 16 January 2017


The True Story of Jesus Christ

The True Story of Jesus Christ.
Who He was and how He came into being the Saviour to Millions of People.
Read His true story.

Get inside knowledge of the real story behind Jesus Christ.
This eBook explain where Jesus came from and why.

Don’t miss the opportunity to gain insight into the true story of Jesus Christ. It’s not what you think.
Warning: This eBook will probably shock your whole belief system but it is the truth. Be sure that you can handle it.

Get it while you can.
Get this eBook “Wanted … Jesushere

Thank you.
Lukas Engelbrecht