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Thursday, 8 June 2017

eBook - The economy of life

Unto Thee I Grant the Economy of Life

 Bow down your heads into the dust, O ye inhabitants of earth! Be silent and receive with reverence these instructions from on high.

Whersoever the sun doth shine, wheresoever the wind doth blow, wheresoever there is an ear to hear, and a mind to conceive; there let the precepts of life be made known, let the maxims of truth be honored and obeyed.

All things proceed from God. His power is unbounded. His wisdom is for eternity, and His goodness endureth for ever.

He sitteth on His throne in the centre of the universe and the breath of His mouth giveth life to the world.

He toucheth the stars with His finger, and they run their course rejoicing.

On the wings of the wind He walketh abroad, and performeth His will through all the regions of unlimited space.

Order and grace, and beauty spring from His hand.

The voice of wisdom speaketh in all His works; but the mortal understanding comprehendeth it not.

The shadow of mortal knowledge passeth over the brain of man as a dream; he seeth as in the dark; he reasoneth, and is deceived.

But the wisdom of God is as the Light of Heaven; it requireth not reason; His mind is the fountain of truth.

Justice and mercy wait before His throne; benevolence and love enlighten His countenance for ever.

Who is like unto God in glory? Who in power shall content with the Almighty? Hath He any equal in wisdom? Can any in goodness be compared unto Him? There is none other before Him.

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