The key to bringing something into
your experience that you desire is to achieve
vibrational harmony with what
you desire. And the easiest way for you to achieve
vibrational harmony with it is to
imagine having it, pretend that it is already in your
experience, flow your thoughts toward
the enjoyment of the experience, and as you
practice those thoughts and begin to
consistently offer that vibration, you will then be in the place of allowing
that into your experience.
Visualization is the ability to use
the imagination and see images in our minds. If we add concentration and
feelings, it becomes a great creative power that makes things happen.
Used in the right way, visualization
can bring changes into our lives. The thought is the matrix or blueprint; the
feelings provide the energy, the "electricity".
In the beginner’s mind there are many
possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few.
Stay open to all possibilities.
For example, if I am driving across
town for an appointment, my intentions might be:
“I want to travel across town safely,
smoothly, joyfully, and as quickly as possible, easily arriving with plenty of
time, before my appointment. I want to find parking easily, with easy access to
my appointment. I want every aspect and detail of this experience to be harmonious
and satisfying for me from beginning to end.”
Affirmations are sentences that are
repeated often during the day, and which sink into the subconscious mind,
thereby releasing its enormous power to materialize the intention of the words
and phrases in the outside world. This does not mean that every word you utter will
bring results. In order to trigger the subconscious mind into action, the words
have to be said with attention, intention and with feeling.
The more gratefully we fix our minds
on the Supreme when good things come to us, the more good things we will
receive, and the more rapidly they will come; and the reason simply is that the
mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source
from which the blessings come.
Gratitude will lead your mind out
along the ways by which things come; and it will keep you in close harmony with
creative thought and prevent you from falling into competitive thought
Also, faith is born of gratitude. The
grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith
Get this eBook here
Lukas Engelbrecht
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