meta content='How to write your own e-books' name='description'/> E-Books: November 2018

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Grandma Celia’s Green Smoothie Delights

When the grandchildren comes to visit, they want my famous smoothies. I developed a variaty of flaviours to keep them happy. That’s what a grandma is there for. To spoil the grandchildren with the excuse that it is green.
Use these recipes as the basis of your own smoothies and spoil your loveones.
I hope you enjoy it.

Get it here:

Monday, 5 November 2018

eBook - Smoothie le Green

The South African Summer can be extremely hot and the children need something to cool them down. What better than a healthy green smoothie.

Here is a collection of 20 of their favourite smoothies.
Lukas Engelbrecht